DERMA at a glance: novel biomaterials for managing dermal wounds

As a result of ageing and because of some chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular disease, there is an increased number of patients presenting with long-term, non-healing dermal inflammation and ulcers.

In order to address this need, DERMA aims to realise two scientific outputs: an odour-adsorbing and antimicrobial wound dressing (OAAWD) and a diagnostic wound dressing (DWD).

The aim of the two new wound dressings is to alleviate patient suffering from dermal illnesses and meet the clinical demands of healthcare workers.


  • Design, development and evaluation of both an odour adsorbing and antimicrobial wound dressing (OAAWD) to manage the release of offensive odours and a diagnostic wound dressing (DWD) to indicate wound status through the:
    • Design of products to enhance their efficiency, functionality and their ease of use aspects through a computer animation
    • Integration of existing relevant technologies through the design process while assessing functionalities and regulatory issues
    • Collection of feedbacks from all relevant stakeholders of the field (clinicians, patients, industrials, academics) especially through clinical focus groups
    • Prototyping of the two new medical devices to be presented during the project closure’s event in Lille (by the end of 2019)
  • Prepare development, protection and commercial exploitation steps for future medical devices:
    • Creation of an exploitation preparedness panel (EPP) coaching all partners on innovative and dissemination aspects
    • IP study on patent concerns and define a strategical way to ensure IP protection and prevent such potential issues
    • Preliminary market and regulatory studies to fulfil with regulatory and mandatory queries and to best prepare design and commercial exploitation requirements
    • Delivery of a strategical route to market and a portfolio containing all appropriate information on both OAAWD and DWD
    • Organisation of matchmaking sessions during each dissemination event in all the 2 Seas area of which potentially 120 interested SMEs could attend
  • Management and communication of the project, specifically dissemination activities:
    • Newsletter to be issued twice a year on April and November
    • A showcase website where you could find all relevant knowledge on the DERMA project and contact partners of the project:
    • A video diary to relate consortium’s progress along the duration of the project
    • Participation to 6 dissemination events in each region forming part of the 2 Seas region (South-East England, Northern France, Belgium and Netherlands)
    • Matchmaking sessions (see above) during each dissemination event
    • Project closure’s event and press conference
    • A special brochure with key findings to be distributed during the closure event
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